Insurance Requirements
All community users must provide proof of general liability insurance, naming District School Board Ontario North East as an additional insured, for a minimum of $5 million coverage (higher insurance coverage may be requested for higher-risk activities), prior to permit approval. Proof of insurance can be obtained by requesting a certificate from your current insurance provider. If you do not have an insurance provider, you can purchase insurance for your group through DSB1.
What is General Liability Insurance and Why is it Necessary?
General Liability Insurance is designed to protect a person against any legal responsibility arising out of a negligent act or failure to act as a prudent person would have acted, which results in bodily injury or property damage to another party. Any individual involved in your activity can claim damages as a result of an injury. Even though you may not be negligent in your actions, defence costs alone can be financially devastating. This policy will provide protection for both legal defence costs and any compensatory damages that may be awarded, subject to the limits and conditions of the policy. Transferring your risk to an insurance policy provides you the opportunity to run your activity with peace of mind.
Who needs coverage?
Any user of school board premises must have liability insurance. Those groups who do not have access to liability insurance from other sources are able to request liability insurance through the Ontario School Boards' Insurance Exchange (OSBIE) Program. Premiums must be received and processed prior to permit approval.
*This program is not designed to replace insurance coverage afforded to groups by any Provincial or National Sport Association.*
What activities are covered?
Activities specifically disclosed or listed on your permit application are covered for the time and date referenced on the permit only. If there are any changes in your activity you must advise the Community Use of Schools office. Coverage is only in effect for the term of the permit while using the facilities of the School Board.
What is the cost?
OSBIE offers insurance to community user groups for fees based on their requested activity. Insurance can be purchased for daily, weekly, monthly or even annual permits. Please click below for OSBIE's insurance pricing schedule (All prices listed include 8% sales tax).
Please see OSBIE Insurance FAQ below for additional information. If you have further questions, or to purchase insurance for your event, please contact the Community Use of Schools office at [email protected].