Mental Health and Well-being » Mental Health and Well-being

Mental Health and Well-being

This summer, District School Board Ontario North East (DSB1) is pleased to present sponsored swimming for July and August 2024 throughout our DSB1 communities, free for students, families, and community members to attend.
Click here or the image below to view swim locations, dates, and times.
Please contact each facility with any questions.
The visual contains the text, "DSB1 is proud to present Sponsored Swimming for July and August 2024. Free for families to participate. The DSB1 logo is in the top left corner. The visual features waves of waters and red pool lane divider ropes with white and red floats.
We consider mental health and well-being as critical in the promotion of student success and achievement.   As such, we are committed to supporting the mental health and well-being of our students, families and staff. 
Mental Health is defined as a state of well-being in which every person is able to realize their own potential, is able to cope with stressors of daily life, and is able to engage and contribute to the overall community (World Health Organization, 2018).


Mental Health and Well-being Resources

Find out where to get help, find answers to frequently asked questions and learn more about maintaining good mental health and well-being.







Programs and Initiatives

DSB1 works with School Mental Health Ontario a provincial team designed to help Ontario school boards build capacity to support student mental health and well-being, through effective implementation of research based programs and strategies.
DSB1 is proud to offer a wide range of programs and initiatives to support student mental health and well-being.  Click here to learn more