Schools » Student Transportation

Student Transportation

DSB1 is proud to be part of the Tri-Board Student Transportation consortium, sharing student transportation services with the Conseil scolaire public du Nord-Est and Northeastern Catholic District School Board. 
To access the Tri-Board Student Transportation consortium website, including contact information, policies, and resources, visit

Learning in DSB1 During Inclement Weather Days

Elementary Students
All elementary schools, except Elk Lake Public School, Kerns Public School and Temagami Public School, are open to students on inclement weather days. 
Elementary students who are unable to get to school on inclement weather days may access asynchronous work on the virtual platform utilized by the Teacher.  Please contact your child's Teacher if you have questions about this platform. 
Secondary Students
Secondary students engage in synchronous virtual learning on inclement weather days. 
Secondary schools remain open to students.  Students may access shared spaces such as culture rooms, libraries and makerspaces.  Regular classrooms are closed to secondary students on inclement weather days as educators are facilitating synchronous virtual learning. 

Transportation Pilot Program

We understand that bus route cancellations directly impact student attendance.  Improving attendance continues to be a focus in DSB1, as it supports student achievement and well-being. 
DSB1 has launched a Transportation Pilot Program to support families in sending their child(ren) to school when a bus route is cancelled for at least 5 consecutive days due to driver shortages.  This program is effective from November 1, 2023 to June 21, 2024. 
Families will be eligible to receive a gas card when a bus route is cancelled for 5 consecutive days or more, based on the chart below.  Students must attend at least 1 of the 5 days in order to qualify. 

Route Distance (one way)

Gas Card Allocation Per Week

Up to 10km


11km to 30km


31km to 60km


61km and beyond


Families who qualify will be informed by the school. 

Tutoring Supports

We proudly announce a partnership with Read, Write, Think, a tutoring service. 


Students in Grades 3 to 12 who miss 3 or more consecutive days of school due to bus driver shortages will be eligible for tutoring services.


Read, Write, Think employs Ontario Certified Teachers who have completed a Vulnerable Sector Check.  Tutoring sessions will be done virtually through Microsoft Teams.  Students must be able to use Microsoft Teams independently. Attendance will be taken at each scheduled session.


To request tutoring support, please contact the Principal at your child’s school and provide the student’s name, grade and topic they would like support with.  It may take Read, Write, Think 3 to 5 business days to identify a tutor and schedule the session. The school will provide the details on the scheduled tutoring sessions.