Mental Health Strategy
At District School Board Ontario North East (DSB1), we understand that mental health and well-being are fundamental to student success and affect academic achievement as well as social and emotional development.
Our current Mental Health Strategy builds on two previous strategies and is informed by provincial and local data, DSB1 staff, student, family, and stakeholder voices.
The Mental Health Strategy continues to focus on fostering and sustaining mentally healthy schools through capacity building for staff, meaningful youth and parent engagement, and collaboration with community partners following an evidence-based, tiered approach to intervention to support students.
The videos below demonstrate first-hand evidence of actions by the Mental Health Team and their impact on students and families.
Community Partnerships
DSB1 is proud to build and foster strong community partnerships to serve students. Below are some examples of partnerships that support the implementation of the Mental Health Strategy.
- We have collaborated with our community partners to provide training, consultation, and intervention for students with mental health needs.
- In collaboration with our partners, we have developed processes that are guided by Right Time Right Care to identify, assess, and refer students who require mental health support, and to monitor their progress and outcomes.
- We are fostering partnerships and relationships with our First Nation communities and friendship centers and engaged them in culturally responsive and relevant programming and initiatives for Indigenous students and families.
- We have participated in various system planning tables and steering committees to coordinate and align our efforts with other interrelated sectors and service delivery partners, such as:
- The Moving on Mental Health Cochrane/Temiskaming Planning Table, which aims to improve the experiences and outcomes of children, youth, and families who need mental health services in our region.
- The Planet Youth Steering Committees for the Porcupine and Temiskaming Health Units, which focus on enhancing the well-being of youth through a collaborative and holistic approach that addresses their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs.
- The Temiskaming Drug and Alcohol Strategy Steering Committee, which develops and implements a comprehensive and coordinated strategy to prevent and reduce the harms of substance use in our communities.
- The Regional Ontario Education Championship Team, which supports the implementation of the Ontario First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Education Policy Framework and the achievement and well-being of Indigenous students.
- The School Mental Health and NEOFACS Child and Youth Mental Health Committee, which facilitates the collaboration and integration of school-based and community-based mental health services for students and families.
- The Regional Anti-human Trafficking Steering Committee, which raises awareness and mobilizes action to prevent and respond to human trafficking in our region.
2024-2027 Mental Health Strategy