Mental Health and Well-being » Programs and Initiatives

Programs and Initiatives

A wavy line with various graphic icons: a puzzle piece, a lightbulb, a book, an exclamation mark, an individual doing yoga, a key.

Everyday Mental Health Practices

Caring adults are an integral part of our students' lives.  Everyday educators select from a variety of practices to enhance classroom conditions and build social emotional skills in ways that best meet the needs of their students.  As a foundational cornerstone of their work, they use their professional judgement to understand the context of their classroom to maximize the growth of students in their care.  Learn more about their role in supporting student mental health by visiting School Mental Health Ontario.
Research-based social and emotional learning programs are added to these everyday practices to reinforce strategies that teach essential core competencies that include self-management, self-awareness, responsible decision making, relationship skills and social awareness.  The programs listed below are based in neuroscience and delivered yearly to improve learning, emotional well-being, and physical health of all our students.  
A computer, a tablet, and a mobile phone.


Class-wide Well-being Programs

Kids Have Stress Too! (Kindergarten)

This program is designed to influence young children's social and emotional development.  Children learn physical, mental, emotional and behavioural coping skill, thinking styles and other abilities to handle stress.  Learn more by visiting Strong Minds Strong Kids, Psychology Canada.


Kids Have Stress Too! (Grade 1)

This program teaches children to self-regulate, understand, cope and address the signs of stress before they get overwhelmed through skill-based activities.  Kids Have Stress Too! is developed by Strong Minds Strong Kids, Psychology Canada.


Stress Lessons (Grade 4)

This program teaches children about healthy and harmful stress, triggers, and coping strategies such as deep breathing, remaining positive and in-control of one's emotions, managing worries or fears, problem-solving to gain emotional control and expressing oneself creatively to bust stress.  Learn more by visiting Strong Minds Strong Kids, Psychology Canada.


From Stressed Out to Chilled Out (Grade 7) 

This program applies concepts from social neuroscience to teach youth skills that foster their social and emotional competence, resilience, and well-being.  Self-awareness, empathy and mindfulness are equally promoted.  Students learn what "normal" stress levels are and when to seek help. Learn more by visiting Strong Minds Strong Kids, Psychology Canada. 


Mental Health Literacy Modules (Grades 7 and 8)

Students in grades 7 and 8 are participating in a series of mental health literacy modules based on the Ontario Health and Physical Education curriculum. Developing skills and habits that promote well-being and learning about common mental health problems and how to access support when needed, can help students to care for their mental health and well-being.

This brief video provides an overview of the modules and content.


A to Z Wellness (Grade 9)

This online learning resource presents facts and debunks myths about mental health issues, helps students to better understand mental health and emotional wellness, and its impact on their well-being, provides strategies and tactics to improve their mental health/emotional wellness and shares resources students can turn to if they need help.
This program is developed by the award-winning, non-profit mental health program mindyourmind and available at:

A to Z Stress (Grade 10)

This online learning resource presents the facts, benefits and drawbacks of stress; helps students identify its warning signs and understand the repercussions of mishandled stress and its effect on mental health/emotional wellness; teaches strategies and tactics to deal with stress; and shares resources students can turn to if they need help.
This program is developed by the award-winning, non-profit mental health program mindyourmind and available at:

Career Studies Mental Health Literacy (Grade 10) 

Students in grade 10 are participating in two modules to support a new and updated mental health literacy expectation within Strand A of the Career Studies curriculum. This learning will be delivered by educators (both in-person and through online learning) and will offer ways to enhance the delivery of curriculum and focus on mental health literacy. 

The modules will help equip students with culturally responsive, evidence-informed knowledge, skills, and strategies to support their mental health and well-being, both in school and their future work lives. 

This introductory video provides more information.

A wavy line with graphic icons: a speech bubble, a heart, a brain, a puzzle piece, a lightbulb, and a book.

Additional Well-being Programs and Initiatives 

Roots of Empathy (Kindergarten to Grade 8)

The primary goals of Roots of Empathy (ROE) are to: 
  1. develop social and emotional understanding, 
  2. promote pro-social behaviours and decrease aggressive behaviours; and
  3. increase knowledge about infant development and effective parenting practices.  
ROE is a 9-month program that has as its cornerstone a monthly classroom visit by an infant and his/her parent(s) whom the class ''adopts'' at the beginning of the school year.  It is during these monthly visits that children learn about the baby's growth and development via interactions and observations with the baby.  Information about this award social innovation is available at: 
Click here to view students engaged in learning with ROE.

DSB1 Keys to Wellness Toolkits

We all want our children to feel mentally well, grow up happy and to learn how to navigate life's challenges and it's not always easy to know what to do.  We're here to help.  Our DSB1 Mental Health Team has designed six Keys to Wellness Toolkits that focus on strategies to help you to build and nurture your child's mental health.  Learn more here.
A grouping of plants.