SmartFind Substitute Manager » Login


​All District School Board Ontario North East (DSB1) employees must report their absences and request substitutes through SmartFind Express.

Please review the Employee Experience User Guide.

To access the System by Telephone:
  1. Call 1-855-704-8360
  2. Enter your Access ID, followed by the* key. Your Access ID is your employee number.
  3. Enter your PIN, followed by the* key. Your PIN was created when you first registered with the system.
For DSB1 employees: To log in to for the first time, you must register by calling 1-855-704-8360. For more details on registering, please refer to page 1 on one of the two Reference Guides below:


Are you a DSB1 employee having troubles accessing the system?

  • Call 705-360-1151 and dial "0" locally or toll-free at 1-800-381-7280 and dial "0" during regular business hours. If a system operator does not answer immediately, leave a message and your call will be returned as quickly as possible.

  • Refer to the Quick Information Sheet or Reference Guides above.

Frequently Asked Questions

No. The system will disconnect and record the call as a "No Answer". Occasionally the system will recognize an answering machine voice as the voice of someone directly answering the telephone so it is possible that you may get a partial message from SmartFind but the system will disconnect.
For same day assignments:
The system will begin calling at 6:30 am until half-way through job start times.
For future assignments:
The system will call:
Monday to Friday between 5:00 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
Saturday and Sundays between 12:00 p.m. and 9:30 p.m.
Holidays between 9:00 a.m. and 9:30 p.m. 
When the system calls, you must say "hello" or some other form of greeting as the system is voice activated. You will then hear an automated voice stating something to the effect that this is the District School Board Ontario North East Automated Dispatch System calling for [your name]. You will then be prompted to input your employee number, followed by the star (*) key and then your PIN, followed by the star (*) key. You will then be prompted what to press to hear the assignment details and to either accept or decline the assignment. If you decline, you will be asked to enter a reason from the list provided in the Reference Guide for Substitutes listed above.
The system has a feature that is designed to provide up to two minutes in order for you to get to the phone and enter your employee number and PIN. As soon as the call is answered, the individual who answers must press the star (*) key. Therefore, you should advise all members of your household that if the system calls, they need to press the star (*) key.
You can go into the system and modify your call back number to where you want the system to contact you. You must then remember to change it back when you return home. You can do this by phone or web browser.
You will need to go into the system and modify your availability so that the system does not call you. To do this click on the "Unavail Dates" tab and click new. Enter a start and end date and appropriate times, if not full days.
Current version if you are both an employee and a substitute. 
New Unavailable Date. Note: Times apply to every unavailable day in the date range. *Type: Substitute Unavailability Date (from dropdown). *Date Range: (select start and end date). *Time: (indicate the time or under All Day, click the checkmark. Below, check the box that indicates call for future assignments.
Current version if you are substitute only, your screen will look like this. This is called the New Substitute UI (User Interface).
Title states Job Search. To the right is the current date, time, and next to it, it states My Calendar. Below it says Active, Finished, Canceled, and Unavailable in the menu bar. When selecting Active, below appears the headings Job ID, Date, Time, Employee, Classification(s), and Location(s).
You will click on the "+" sign to Add Unavailability time periods or times.
Yes. You simply need to click on the box, which inserts a checkmark, to the left of "Call for future assignments" whether you are adding or modifying your unavailability time. Please see the example above.
Your employee number can be found on your paystub. If for some reason you are unable to access your paystub, you can contact the SmartFind Express Administrator, and leave a message by email or a voice message by phone. Your employee number will be emailed to your email address you provided in your profile.
PIN: Your PIN is a 4 to 6 digit number that you created by telephone when you registered. This number will be used for telephone access only.
Password: Your password is alphanumeric and at least 8 characters in length made up of one upper case letter, some lower case letters, numbers and if you would like, a special character. You would pick something that would be easy for you to remember. This password is used only for logging into SmartFind Express on the computer/Mac, on an iPad/tablet, or iPhone/Android by going to the DSB1 website and clicking on the link Log into SmartFind Express at the top of this page.
Below is a screenshot of the sign on screen. Simply enter your Access ID, then below the Submit button, click on "Forgot Password?" The system will send an email to your email address that you have set up in your profile. Go to that email and click on it to reset your password.
A screenshot from the SmartFind Express website of the login screen. It states Access ID with the blank for entering the information below. Under that it states Password with a blank for entering information. Below that is a Submit button with the words Forgot Password? below.
Calls are made based on search rules that have been developed by the system operators based on the language in the Collective Agreement.
Yes. To allow this to work, you need to modify your availability in the system in order that SmartFind Express knows when you may be called. For example, if you work mornings Monday through Friday, you will need to alter your availability so that the system knows you are available in the afternoons. To do this, click "Schedule".
A screenshot from within SmartFind Express that has two buttons at the top that read New and Return to Inquiry. Below that it states Schedule List Below that is a table with four columns. In the first column it the heading says Delete? with five checkboxes below. In the second column it states Day as the heading with Monday through Friday listed below. In the third column it says type and in the five rows below it says Available. In the fourth column, the header says Times and in the five rows below it states All Day.
A chart will appear with the Schedule List of Days Monday through Friday. There is "Delete?" below the Schedule List. Click a check mark in each of the boxes and click delete at the bottom.
You will be left with the Two buttons that indicate New and Return to Inquiry. buttons. Click New now.
A screenshot from within SmartFind Express. On the top are two buttons that state New and Return to Inquiry. Below that is the heading that states New Schedule. Below that it reads *Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat. Below that are checkboxes under each day of the week. Below that it states Available for assignments: *Start Time (hh:mm am) followed by *End Time (hh:mm am) with blanks below followed by -or- All Day with a checkbox after. Below it sates The system will NOT call: with blanks for indiciating the *Start Time (hh:mm am) and *End Time (hh:mm am) followed by -or- All Day with a checkbox after. Below that that two buttons, one states Save and the next states Return to List.
You will now be in a screen that will allow you to specify your time of availability. If you are only available certain hours each day then uncheck the "All Day" box beside "Available for Assignments", then indicate the specific start and end times you are available in the boxes to the right provided. If you are only available on alternate days, uncheck the days you are not available. When you have completed your schedule change(s), you will need to click the "Save" button to save your work. Once saved, you will see your new Schedule List. It is important to keep this up to date to avoid possible missed work opportunities or alternatively, unnecessary calls/job offers made to you by the system.
No. If you are on maternity or parental leave (or any other form of long term approved leave of absence), you will need to set your unavailability period by logging into your profile on SmartFind Express.
A school administrator enters the absence into the system and SmartFindExpress finds an appropriate match based on assignment location, availability and preferences.
No. The system initiates the first set of calls from where it left off for all subsequent calls in order to provide for equitable rotation, where possible.
No. Qualified Occasional Teachers are called on a rotational basis according to the Collective Agreement. However, those who are qualified in French as a Second Language and/or Special Education may receive calls for assignments that require French or Special Education prior to those without these qualifications.