Committees » Director's Performance Appraisal Committee

Director's Performance Appraisal Committee

Role of the Director's Performance Appraisal Committee

The committee is responsible for conducting any performance appraisal required under this Regulation in respect of any of the director of education’s evaluation cycles that occur with the board during any portion of the period beginning on July 1 in the year that the committee is established and ending on June 30 in the following year.

Committee Members

Crystal Hewey, Committee Chair Trustee, Timmins and Area
Jonathan Byer Vice-Chair, Englehart
Dennis Draves Trustee, Cochrane, Smooth Rock Falls 
Steve Meunier Trustee, Timmins and Area
Cindy Pye-Reasbeck Chair, Hearst, Kapuskasing
Doug Walsh Trustee, Temiskaming Shores, Temagami, Elk Lake, and Area
​Lesleigh Dye Director of Education

2024-2025 Agendas and Minutes