Student Senate
Role of the Student Senate
Student Senate constitutes two student representatives from each secondary school in District School Board Ontario North East. The Student Senate meets monthly to provide a perspective on student issues and communicate decisions made by DSB1 to their school’s student body. Being involved in Student Senate provides leadership opportunities for Senators as they advocate and learn the purpose and work of our Board.
Crystal Hewey | Trustee, Timmins and Area |
Rosemary Pochopsky | Trustee, Kirkland Lake |
Alexandra Gauthier | Student Trustee, Iroquois Falls Secondary School |
Aiesha Hindle | Student Trustee, Kirkland Lake District Composite School |
Kateline Litt-Roy | Student Trustee, Hearst High School |
Lesleigh Dye | Director of Education |
Eva Palangio | Englehart High School |
Kylie DeChamplain | Englehart High School |
Kateline Litt-Roy | Hearst High School |
Sarah Lehman | Iroquois Falls Secondary School |
Grant Stack | Iroquois Falls Secondary School |
Sarah Card | Kapuskasing District High School |
Arshdeep Singh | Kapuskasing District High School |
Brennan Buchmann | Kirkland Lake District Composite School |
Nevaeh Reuben | Roland Michener Secondary School |
Payton White | Roland Michener Secondary School |
Georgia Fully | Timiskaming District Secondary School |
Nora MacArthur | Timiskaming District Secondary School |
Alyssa Delich | Timmins High and Vocational School |
Tara Kiani | Timmins High and Vocational School |
Kateri Gustafson | École Secondaire Cochrane High School |
Caroline Wesley | Hearst High School |
Bronson Judd-Rivest | Iroquois Falls Secondary School |
Arthur Koosees | Kapuskasing District High School |
Trey Menard Cote | Roland Michener Secondary School |
Caydon Heavens | Timmins High & Vocational School |
Payton Abraham | Timiskaming District Secondary School |
Notice About Archived Files: Only records from the current and previous school year are available here. For access to archived Minutes from previous years, please contact us.