Swimming Programs in Schools

DSB1 has a tradition of offering organized swim lessons annually to grade 4 students as part of the Swim to Survive program throughout all schools in the board. To adhere to COVID 19 protocols over the last few years, the program was paused. Once schools and facilities assumed a regular schedule, all opportunities were made to ensure every student that may have missed lessons were able to participate in the program including students in grades 4, 5 and 6. This initiative will continue in the 2022-23 school year as some swim facilities in the region were unable to accommodate all the students.

Superintendent Pladzyk shared "It was great to see students from grades 4 to 6 participating in the program and we were pleasantly surprised by the interest and impact the program had on our students and their confidence in the water."

The Swim to Survive program is an initiative encouraged by the DSB1 Board of Trustees to enhance and promote student safety while exploring the wilderness around natural bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, and ravines throughout North Eastern Ontario communities.

Additionally, this past summer the mental health team at DSB1 sponsored free swims in many communities across the region to provide opportunities for students to participate in the “Be Active” component of the Five Ways to Well-Being initiative promoted within schools.